Two Episodes

Here's a link to my some of my video work.

A Treatment

DVD & video stream for web
Runtime: Approximately 7 minutes

            The aim of “Wreckage” is to show the damaging effects of parental divorce on children and young adults.  I want to engage the audience in a story that will get deeper into their hearts than a logical argument might—to appeal to the emotional and compassionate part in people and thereby challenge modern American assumptions about divorce.  The goal is to make a piece of art that depicts the devastation of a torn family by showing it in literal terms as well as linking symbolically to footage of wreckage. 
            “Wreckage” is a short film that combines the story of three siblings with shots of dreadful car crash.  The film starts out with the camera panning through the wreckage of a couple cars.  The main title comes up, and then we see Anna with her two little brothers, James and Stevie.  Anna is a college student back on summer break, James is a sophomore in high school, and Stevie is in late elementary school.  They are sitting uncomfortably around the dinner table as their parents argue fiercely in the next room.  Stevie is trying not to cry.  Anna gathers her brothers and brings them up stairs.  They start playing cards and seem to forget their troubles for a moment, but they hear their parents arguing again and Stevie lays down his cards.  Hearts is the most prominently displayed suit.  Next we see divorce papers and the father packing.  Stevie looks overwhelmed and lost and James looks angry.  Anna is trying to comfort Stevie. At night, their mother is in the other room on their father is not around. The three sit on the couch, Anna trying to comfort them.  The TV is on and they are watching it absent-mindedly.  On the news, footage of the car wreck is playing.  A montage follows of the parents writing their vows (back in times) “in sickness & in health, for better or for worse” and them signing the divorce papers.  James walks down the hall at school alone.  Anna walks down the sidewalk and there a lots of couples walking by.  She keeps her emotions almost completely unseen.  The three kids watch as their parents drive separate ways, and as they do, the balloon in Stevie’s hand slips loose and flies away.  There is a shot of the wreckage again.  The mother writes a letter to her pastor: “Dear Pastor Wade, I think that God would want me to be happy…” Anna walks into her room (with the TV playing crash footage in the background) and breaks down crying.  The scene fades to black.
            Production Team:
                        Writer: Joe Faultersack
                        Director: Joe Faultersack
                        Editor: Joe Faultersack
                        Camera: Carlos Sanchez
                        Music: Jeremy Johnson
                        Producers: Carlos Sanchez & Joe Faultersack
                        Tow truck driver (for making moving the junk cars): Jeff Winger
                                    Emily Rochester as “Anna”
                                    Jake Billing as “James”
                                    Cam McDossen as “Stevie”
                                    Paul Patton as “father”
                                    Linda Tesner as “mother”
            Production Schedule:
                        May 1st-9th = preproduction: location scouting, writing/storyboarding, casting, etc.
                        May 10th = Wreckage scene shooting
                        May 11th = House scenes shooting
                        May 12th = Finish up shooting
                        May 14th-17th = Editing
            Permissions needed:
                        Two wrecked cars from a junkyard, location permission (near a road) for the crash footage, extras talent release forms, location permission for a high school, actor contracts, and music composer contract.
                        Actor payment: $800
                        Composer payment: $200
                        Tow Truck & wrecked cars: $100
                        Camera and other equipment (borrow or already own).


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