Two Episodes

Here's a link to my some of my video work.

Character Sketches For the Webisode

Scott is a twenty-four year old male human.  He was born in Milwaukee, WI.  Scott is a low-level cop: a rookie who hasn’t yet earned full status and isn’t issued a gun: he is assigned to insignificant cases.  His best friend, (at least in recent years), is Basil, the artificial intelligence of his smart-phone (his smart phone is really smart).  His worst enemy is an elusive serial vandalist known only as “The Shadow.”  His hourly goal is to impress people, whether that be his wife Kasey or other police officers.  Daily and weekly, he wants to solve crimes efficiently and be able to spend time with his new bride.  A longer term goal is to become a full-fledged police detective, and he secretly hopes to eventually become the Police Chief. 
            For relaxation, Scott loves to surf the internet for random news, watch tv shows such as “Future Weapons” or “Top Gear,” and work out.  He absolutely loves the sound of a car engine starting up: it symbolizes adventure and technology for him.  His is salty cashews.  His favorite ice cream flavor is cappuccino chocolate chip.  His favorite movie is The Fugitive tied with Back to the Future.  On Friday nights, his favorite thing to do is go on a “expeditionary/exploration” drive, in his slightly old car with Kasey.  First thing in the morning, he has an argument with Basil (who serves as an alarm clock) as Scott argues that he can have a few more minutes, and Basil makes sarcastic remarks until Scott is too irritated to be sleepy.  His favorite outfit is a black leather jacket, dark sunglasses (even when they’re unnecessary) and really dark blue-jeans.  His favorite meal is boneless wings at Buffalo Wild Wings: exciting food and noisy atmosphere. 
            Scott is slightly short, slightly big, and fairly muscular, with spiky black hair and startling blue eyes.  He is prone to frustration and out-bursts of anger, which partially stem from his need for people to appreciate him.  He finds it easier to open up to a machine (Basil) than to real people.  Spiritually, he is something of an agnostic: he believes there is a God, but thinks it’s all too confusing or “abstract” to think much about much—thus he is weak spiritually.

Short-Form Biography
            His Scott Petty.  He is twenty-four years old.  His birth date is March 19th, 1988.  He is 5ft 6in. tall.  He weighs 173 pounds.  He has blue eyes and black hair, with an Anglo-Hispanic mix in his heritage, resulting in a slightly tan but basically Caucasian skin tone.  He has very good posture, with square shoulders.  He rolls out of bed every morning and spikes his hair in a way that makes it look even messier.  However, he showers regularly.  His voice is slightly higher than one would expect from a man of his appearance: it is not particularly formidable.  He is a pretty attractive guy, with a down-to-earth air about him, but with a too-intense-to-be-taken-seriously sense about him.  His general health and fitness, however, is impeccable. 

Family Situation

Scott’s father Howard Petty, is 60 years old, and owns a small dinner in a rural Wisconsin town.  The Howard likes to live simply, possibly an affect of his having grown up on a farm.  This clashes with Scott’s love of technology and gadgets.  The two of them are all but estranged: Scott blames Howard for the divorce with his mother.
            Scott’s mother is Vera Wendel, and is 58.  She is an attorney in Washington state, having moved out there shortly after her divorce form Howard.  She is a career-driven woman: something that she passed on to her son, who still thinks of their relationship as very good.  However, they do not talk a whole lot, due to distance and a general sense of sadness over the broken family.
            Scott has one brother named Willy Petty-Wendel, who 21 years old, and a Business Major and the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.  Willy is also estranged from their father, but he and Scott communicate via social media regularly, despite their somewhat divergent interests. 
            Scott’s uncle (his mother’s brother) Grant Wendel, is a 50-year-old small-town cop.  Grant was part of Scott’s inspiration for becoming a cop.
            The family is somewhat dysfunctional, considering the divorce.  The two brothers still get along well, but other than that, it’s pretty much a mess.
Scott just got married to Kasey (formerly Lampe, now Petty).  They have only
been married for 3 months.  Kasey is 23 years old, born in 1989, on June 9th.  She is
5ft 8in. tall, and weighs 135 pounds.  She has brown eyes and
straight, blonde hair.  She has light skin, and very relaxed posture.  She makes sure she is very clean and her hair is well kept, but she does not wear makeup or perfume because she doesn’t consider them “natural.”  She has a lovely soprano voice.  She is very pretty, but doesn’t carry herself in a “sexy” way, has a casual but somewhat dreamy air about her.  She is extremely healthy and very fit.  She loves nature.
Scott and Kasey have no children yet.  Scott and Kasey have a quite active sex life since they are newly-weds.
            Scott considers his smart-phone Basil a close friend.  Basil is an artificial intelligence, and has only been around for 2 years, but Scott talks to her all the time.  She is sophisticated and slightly sarcastic and condescending, but very smart and logical, as well as being a good listener.

Place in the Community
            Scott is a rookie police officer.  He’s only been at it about 3 months, and he’s not a full officer yet.  Scott had a crumby high school education, but he managed to graduated from a two-year program in law enforcement from a community college, and has gone through police training.  He’s making about $21,000 a year, and so is Kasey.  Scott is a Republican, and he believes in a strong governmental in law and order, even in little stuff. On most other issues, he doesn’t think about it much.  He has no Religious affiliation.   He is part of the police force, and he is also part of an amateur inventors’ club from collage, but he’s not very active in that anymore.  He is perceived by the police force as overconfident and overenthusiastic, as well as a bit silly and unorthodox.  However, he does get good results in his work: that, no one can deny.  His leisure time involves driving for fun with Kasey, as well as watching tv with her, or inventing thing or surfing the web.
            Scott is very tech-savy, but he is awful at planning a course of action.  He shoots form the hip, and lucky for him, he gets lucky.  Scott is something of an introvert: he finds large crowds and parties annoying, and he likes being around just one or two trusted people.  He is hot-tempered, and slightly pessimistic or easily discouraged.  He has sense that he is very important, but he is somewhat insecure about his own degree of success.  He has a fairly powerful sex drive: part of the reason he felt ready to get married at a relatively young age.  He has a weak to absent agnostic spiritual life, is suspicious of anything he considers “superstitious.”  He has a strong sense of right and wrong when it comes to the law.  A major secret is that he internally fears that Kasey will get tired of him or come to scorn him.  He wants to win his wife’s respect, and he also wants to win his superiors’ respect and move up in rank.  He want to bring criminals to justice.  A disappointment for Scott is that life did not become perfect when he got married.  Another almost as significant disappointment was his initial failure to catch “The Shadow.”  Scott is a very skilled driver, and is also extremely tech savvy.
He lives in Detroit.

“The Shadow”
             He is human, and a man.  He was born in 1990.  He is a college student.  His best friend is Jimmy Boyle—a fellow student and philosophy major.  His worst enemy is Scott Petty, the only man who’s come close to catching him.  His goal in the immediate future is to evade Scott while playing the dangerous game of egging him one, through vandalism.  His ultimate goal is to win infamy for himself.  To relax, he debates philosophy or plays ping-pong.  His favorite sound is the noise an automatic hand-sanitizer dispenser makes.  His favorite taste is slightly smoky air near a fireplace.  His favorite ice cream flavor is Blue Moon.  His favorite TV show in CSI.  His favorite thing to do on Friday night is vandalize cars by smearing gel on them.  First thing in the morning he stares at the ceiling and mentally debates whether or not he can truly know it is there.  His favorite outfit is gym shorts and a muscle shirt, because he knows people erroneously assume he’s not an intellectual when he has it on.  His favorite meal is sushi, in an authentic and dimly lit Japanese restaurant.  He is average height and slightly thin, with brown hair in a buzz cut.  He has a very sharp face.  Emotionally, he is withdrawn, and logical.  Spiritually, he tends Nihilism. 

Short-Form Biography
            His real name is Thomas Shan.  Is alias is “The Shadow.”  He is 22 years old, born on September 29th, 1990.  He is 6 feet tall, and weighs 149 lbs.  He has brown hair and brown eyes.  His skin tone is a little pale.  His posture is very slightly hunched forward, but not noticeably.  He keeps his hair short and keeps himself clean-shaven: he is meticulously clean.  His voice is very firm and strong.  He is not ugly, but not particularly attractive, though he is in good physical condition: he runs on a treadmill regularly, and is very fast in his movements when he wants to be.  He has a somewhat unpredictable, calculating, and unsettling air about him.

Family Situation
            Thomas’s father is Victor Shan, a rich corporate executive who believes his son excels at everything and gives him whatever he wants.  Victor is 47 years old. 
            Thomas’s mother is Ellen Shan, a 48-year-old nurse who pays little attention to her son, but lets him do as he pleases, giving universal approval.
            He is the only child.  His cousin Emma contradicts him in what he considers stubborn and irritatingly irrational.  She sees his arrogance and tries to bring him down to earth.  Despite the rivalry, there is not a dislike between the two.  Emma is an education major at the same university, and she is 21.
            Thomas is not married.  He has a girlfriend named Tara who he is thinking about breaking up with.  She is not fond of philosophical debates, and his attraction to her is primarily physical.  They have been dating for about 4 months.
            His sex life is frusteratedly absent: Tara practices abstinence, and so he is quickly getting irritated with her.
            His closest friend is Jimmy, who he endlessly discusses philosophy with.  Jimmy doesn’t know about Thomas’ vandalism.  Jimmy is 22. 

Place in the Community
            Thomas is a student.  He attended an expensive private school and got good grades: he is now getting excellent grades at collage.  He gets all the money he needs from his father and mother.  He is strongly an anarchist.  He hates government and establishment.  He has no religious affiliation, but debates philosophical ideas constantly.
            Thomas is a member of the collage philosophy club, as well as the chess club.  He has a club membership at a gym, but he works out alone.  He is general overlooked by the community at large: few people know him, or could even pick him out in a crowd.  Those who do but who aren’t his friends feel that he hard to understand and too smart to talk to.  He debates philosophy, jogs, and vandalizes on his spare time.

Internal World
            He is extremely intelligent when it comes to debating and reasoning.  He is very intelligent when it comes to most academic topics, and in making plans.  He is cunning.  He is introverted in that he does not like socializing in large groups, and he likes being alone often.  However, philosophical debate energizes him.  He is extremely self-confident to the point of arrogance, but has a very even temper.  His sexuality is a medium-strong force.  He does not believe in God.  He believes morals are relative, and enjoys playing on other people’s moral standards. 
            Thomas’s major secret is that no one knows that he’s “The Shadow,” a serial vandal.  His main goal is for his genius to be displayed, through philosophical debate and especially through vandalism and escape.  He also wants to defy expectation.  His biggest disappointment is that most people don’t know about his brilliance.  Next, he is disappointed that his vandalism hasn’t garnered more attention yet: so he strikes more frequently.  He is also disappointed by Tara’s chastity. 
            He has a talent for running very fast, and it also very fast when it comes to hand-to-hand struggles.  He is very intellectually adept.
            He lives in Detroit. 

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