Two Episodes

Here's a link to my some of my video work.

Outlines For the Webisode

Webisode: A Couple of Cops: “Shadow of a Doubt”

External Scott
This is the story of Scott who wants to catch the mastermind, and after choosing to call for Kasey’s help finally arrests the mastermind, because Scott and Kasey make a good team.

Internal Scott
This is the story of Scott who wants to make up for past failure, and after deciding he can’t do it by himself, finally succeeds with Kasey’s help, because teamwork beats pride.

External Kasey
This is the story of Kasey who wants to catch the mastermind, and after believing in Scott’s conclusion finally helps stop the mastermind, because Scott and Kasey make a good team.

Internal Kasey
This is the story of Kasey who wants to have Scott’s confidence, and after going out on a limb in believing him/coming to help him finally wins his confidence, because they’ve learned to rely on each other.

Step Outline for Webisode
A Couple of Cops: “Shadow of a Doubt”

-       Darrell and Ally are walking, flirting, and laughing together as they walk along the sidewalk in a big city.
-       They are mid-conversation; Ally thinks she’s faster than Darrell.  They decide to race to the nearest fire-hydrant to find out.
-       Ally is winning, but she looks back laughing and trips, falling next to a parked car.
-       Darrell passes here and starts laughing at his victory, but realizes she’s not paying attention.
-       Ally is staring in horror (as if she’s seen a dead body) at an sentence smeared in green on the cars window: “The Shadow wuz here.”
-       Darrell looks terrified, and Ally screams in terror.
-       The Opening credits begin.
-       Scott is shown opening credits, looking dramatic and determined, holding ipod.
-       Kasey is shown in opening credits, looking dramatic and cool, smelling a leaf.
-       Opening credits show Scott and Kasey running down alleyway.
-       Opening credits show Chief Carter looking exasperated.
-       Opening credits show Scott’s ipod.
-       Opening credits show Larry looking like he thinks something’s awkward.
-       Opening credits show Scott and Kasey’s rings.
-       Opening credits show Scott and Kasey standing back-to-back dramatically.
-       Opening credits end with title screen: “A Couple of Cops.”
-       Larry is at the crime seen, taking a sample of the green substance that was used to make the vandalistic message on the car.
-       Scott and Kasey walk in, dramatically. 
-       Scott takes of his shades coolly, and wants to know what’s up.
-       Larry thinks that these two love-birds (newlyweds) are always late, and that they’ll never get promoted to full-cop status.
-       Scott thinks that’s up to Chief Carter, but he’s confident.
-       Scott sees the writing and reacts strongly.
-       Scott has Flashback of the letters in a different place.
-       The Flashback also includes him running after an ski-masked man alone.
-       Scott knows who this guy is: The Shadow.
-       Larry thinks that’s obvious.
-       Kasey smells the green substance.
-       Scott snaps a picture of the green substance.
-       Scott and Kasey are walking away form the crime scene.
-       Scott is discouraged because he knows they’re up against a master-mind, who he’s failed to catch before.
-       Kasey thinks that even the best make mistakes.
-       Kasey smells something that smells like the green substance on a passerby: Tom.
-       Kasey and Scott try to talk to Tom.
-       Tom runs.
-       Kasey and Scott chase him, Scott tackles him.
-       Kasey and Scott are in the interrogation room with Tom.
-       Tom won’t admit guilt.
-       Kasey wants to know why he would run if he wasn’t guilty.
-       Tom wants his lawyer.
-       Scott pretends that the green substance could be involved in chemical terrorism, and that Tom will go to Guantanamo Bay.
-       Tom thinks he can’t do that.
-       Scott and Kasey start to leave.
-       Tom admits that he took and ate some of the green stuff off the car because it looked like tasty gelatin, but he didn’t put it vandalize anybody’s car!!
-       Kasey suggests that they might be willing to go easy on the stealing charges if he tells them anything he knows.
-       Tom did see a guy leaving in a black ski-mask.
-       In Chief Carter’s office, Carter is talking to Scott and Kasey.
-       Carter wants them to wrap up the case quickly: the whole city is in a panic.
-       Scott thinks the guy is to much of a master to be caught, and yells Carter.
-       Carter takes him off the case.
-       Scott thinks this is all his fault, for not catching the Shadow the first time.
-       Kasey wants him to know what he doesn’t have to be alone in this.
-       Scott is at home at night. 
-       He goes into the bathroom.
-       On the mirror is another message from the Shadow, saying he will strike again that night.
-       Scott calls Chief Carter.
-       Scott has a hunch that since the guy did a car in a parking lot last time, and one on the street the most recent time, he will strike in the nearest parking ramp, the only kind of place he hasn’t hit yet.
-       Carter says he has no evidence.
-       Scott is at the parking ramp.
-       He’s about to go search, but he has the same Flashback as before, of the words and the man getting away. 
-       Scott calls Kasey.
-       Carter thinks Scott is wasting their time.
-       Kasey loyally decides to go anyway.
-       Scott goes in, and sees the Shadow with his bottle of green stuff.
-       Scott starts a wrestling/fist fighting him.
-       The Shadow is getting the upper hand.
-       Kasey hits him from behind, and the Shadow is unconscious.
-       Scott is thankful she arrived.
-       There is a musical montage in slow motion as they bring the Shadow into custody station.
-       Scott and Kasey look victorious.
-       Larry looks amazed.
-       Carter looks impressed.
-       Scott and Kasey smile at each other.
-       The walk on victoriously.

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